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  • Writer's pictureChris Reid

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies with Peanut Butter Pretzel Garnish

Today I started my day off on a real healthy note. I had a balanced breakfast—eggs, fruit, bacon, and toast. Nothing fancy, but I think we can all agree that the staples at breakfast are always a win. Once I was fueled up, I got to the gym, did a HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and came home. But, as I was enjoying this Labour Day holiday, I had a massive craving for something sweet and delicious. I told myself I wasn't going to go to the store and buy treats. So when my wife and sister left to get some groceries, I decided to bake!

As I looked through my cupboards to see what I was working with, I found that I had all the basics to make chocolate chip cookies. But, as much as chocolate chip cookies are the bacon and eggs to baking, I needed some flare. I remembered I had some leftover quality cocoa powder and Purdy's chocolate from when I made my tripe chocolate, triple-layer cake last week. In the back of my fridge, I also found half a bag of Reese Peanut Butter Pretzels. So after a couple of tokes of my joint, I came up with the idea of a double choclate chunk and garnish those chocolatey bastards with the Reese Peanut Butter Pretzels (crushed).

How to Bake Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies at Home

Baking double chocolate chunk cookies at home is pretty easy and doesn't take a lot of time. Before you get started baking, grab all your ingredients and necessary baking tools. It's not only a whole lot easier, but lets be honest, way more enjoyable.

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies Ingredients

These are the ingredients you're going to need in order to make these delicious gifts from the baking gods. So do yourself a favour, pull these out before you start to measure—don't worry, I'll let you know in the next section on how much of what you'll need!

All Purpose Flour

White Sugar

Brown Sugar

Baking Soda


Instant Coffee

Cocoa Powder

Large Egg

2% Milk

Vanilla Paste

Reese Peanut Butter Pretzels

Ground Himalayan Pink Salt

Purdy's Chocolate

Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie Ingredient Measurements

Now that you've pulled out all the ingredients from your cupboards, grocery bag or pantry it's time to get your measurements correct!

Dry Ingredients

All Purpose White Flour

1 3/4 cups

Baking Soda

1 tsp

Cocoa Powder

1/2 cup

Instant Coffee

1 tbsp

White Sugar

1/2 cup

Brown Sugar

1/2 cup

Himalayan Pink Salt

1 1/2 tsp

Purdy's Chocolate

4 Bars (chopped)

​Reese Peanut Butter Pretzels

Half a bag (chopped)

Wet Ingredients


1 cup

Large Egg


Vanilla Paste

2 tsp

2% Milk

2 tbsp

Baking Instructions for Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Now that you've got your ingreidents measured out, it's time to bring them together to create the party in your mouth that you're longing for.

Step 1 - Preheat your oven

You'll want to preheat your oven to 375F—FYI, I use a convection oven.

Step 2 - Line your tray

Grab a cookie tray from your tray drawer and spray it with Pam. Once you have sprayed it, you'll lay a sheet of parchment paper down on the tray.

Step 3 - Mix Your Dry Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, you'll want to sift your dry ingredients together. Once it's been sifted in, grab a whisk and make sure all your dry ingredients are mixed well together. Once it's a light chocolatey brown colour, you'll just set that bowl aside as you head over to the wet stuff!

Step 4 - Cream Your Wet Ingredients Together

In your stand mixer, add your margarine, white and brown sugar. Turn your mixer on low-to-medium and mix until it's creamed altogether (don't overmix)!

Add in your egg, and turn your mixer on slow-to-medium. Once your egg has mixed, add your vanilla paste and milk.

Step 5 - Add your Dry Ingredients to Your Wet Ingredients

One thing you'll want to do is to add your dry ingredients in 3 groupings. This will make it so you don't spray up a bunch of your dry stuff when you turn your mixer on. It doesn't have to be three equal,m but I found it easier when I did it to go this route.

Once your dry ingredients have mixed together with your wet, you'll want to turn off your mixer. It's important not to overmix your cookie dough.

Step 6 - Add Your Chocolate Chunks to Your Cookie Dough

Add in your chocolate chunks to your cookie dough. You can turn your mixer on for about 10 seconds to help make sure the chocolate chunks are spread out across all the cookie dough!

Step 7 - Lay Your Cookie Dough on a Cookie Sheet

Using an ice cream scoop, layout 12 even piles on your cookie sheet.

Power tip: Don't press the cookie dough down—otherwise it can lead to flat cookies!

Step 8 - Bake in the Oven

Put your cookie sheet with your cookie dough in the preheated oven.

Bake for 5 minutes then take your cookies out of the oven. Midway through, you'll add the crushed/chopped Reese Peanut Butter Pretzels on top of each cookie.

Place the sheet back into the oven for another 5 minutes and remove.

Step 9 - Cool the Cookies on a Cooling Rack

Place your cookies on a cooling rack. Depending on your hunger levels, you can eat within 10 minutes, or you can do what I do, and put a couple in the fridge!

The Best and Easiest Cookies to Bake

These cookies were not only easy to bake on a holiday Monday, but they were absolutely delicious! They were soft in the middle and had a nice crunch on the outer shell. The chocolate wasn't too powerful and the layer of the chopped up pretzels on the top gave it a nice texture and saltiness!

Let me know what you think of these Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies in the comments!


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